Some Birds for Robert Rauschenberg -- Poems by Robert Farrell

The poems in Some Birds for Robert Rauschenberg can be thought of as boxes into which has been placed individual words and small phrases from various sources – the author’s notebooks, contemporary birding websites, research and news articles, as well 19th and early 20th century bird-related texts. Neither found poetry nor wholly original (except in its syntax), each box is a gathering of materials, “their history exposed by their new shapes” and “labored commonly with happiness.”

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Robert Farrell lives in the Bronx, NY, where he works as a college librarian and writing instructor. A finalist in Narrative Magazine’s annual poetry contest, his work has appeared in Magma, Posit, The Brooklyn Review, Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies and elsewhere. His chapbook Meditations on the Body was also published by Ghostbird Press.